An inspector calls


The play “An inspector calls”, written by J.B. Prestley, is about a family who is suddenly awakened by an inspector’s visit during an innocent celebration. The play brings to light more and more clues that can be traced back to the suicide of a young lady. Soon the wealthy family realizes that they are not as innocent as they first thought.

In that play, I portayed the narcissistic father Mr. Birling. The role suited me very well. For some reason, I’m very good at playing such toxic men. But I don’t count myself among them. I think it’s also easier to play something you’re not yourself.


Director & Producer: Lena Sigrist

Recording: Damien Hauser

Licht: Siro Romano/Alex Germanier


Jakob Fessler, Carlotta Brügger, David Gees, Leon Morosoli, Zeno Späth, Eva Tschopp